Hedge Funds Are Not Dead

This just in: The  hedge fund industry is still alive. That’s right, folks, according to recent reports in a number of solid news outlets, not all institutional investors have decided to redeem their allocations to these alpha generators. In fact, some institutional investors are increasing allocations. And while performance is not great, the rumors of the industry’s demise are, well, just that — rumors.

I hate to say it, but I told you so. Loyal readers of this blog will note that for some time now I have been saying that the death of hedge funds is just a story, a headline that the popular press uses to sell papers, magazines and click-through ads.  Sure, some funds have performed poorly; sure, many sophisticated/institutional investors are redeeming or reallocating, but the industry itself is alive, well and strong.

And, mark my words, it will be around for quite some time.

The investment management industry has been faced with some challenges this year and the wild ride isn’t over yet. Both alternative and traditional managers are sure to face many more hurdles as 2016 moves on, but that’s what makes the investment management industry great. Investing is a true blood sport. It’s a place where one can accurately track the winners and losers. The numbers rarely, if ever, lie, so managers can’t hide. That’s why you must pay attention to what they are doing with your money, ask questions, demand answers and reallocate when necessary.

As we settle into the summer, things are just heating up on the political scene. I won’t bore you with my views on the candidates, but I will say that this has got to be the most fascinating Presidential election I have experienced in my 45 years on this planet. Everywhere I go, everyone is talking about the candidates and how they see things turning out. I don’t recall any other election that has had such an effect on both voters and non-voters. At a barbecue Sunday night, for instance, my 10-year-old son and his 11-year-old friend were discussing Presidential politics who they would like to see take over on January 20, 2017.

It is indeed a wacky time and we all are in for a wild ride.

One quick note – the Operations for Alternatives series of events is expanding to NYC this fall. OFA is hosting a first of its kind hedge fund compliance event. Learn more and register by clicking here. Like all OFA events everyone is invited and encouraged to attend. I hope to see you there.

Things that drive me crazy

People just do not listen. Those of you who know me know that I like my ice tea without lemon. Yeah, I know, to some this is blasphemy, but it’s just the way I like it. Well, I have started keeping track of how many times, I have ordered it without lemon and how many times the server got it wrong: 1 in 10. Not good, friends, not good. Not listening is a symptom of a society that is too focused on their phones to communicate in person – which responsible people need to put an end to.