Some live, some die

I take two weeks off from writing and nothing changes. Not sure if that is good or bad, but at least it is a bit amusing. Leading up to the holiday break, the papers (that is my blanket term for print and broadcast media) have been filled with stories of poor hedge fund performance, managers going out of business, and predications that the hedge fund industry as we know it, is over.

Well, here we are a few days into the new year and, sure enough, the papers are once again filled with funds shutting down, investors questioning strategies and sprinkled with a couple of stories about massive new fund launches. It seems, dear readers, that all is not truly lost. In short, it seems rather that the industry is still breathing and that the reports of its death have been greatly exaggerated. These reports probably are coming from the mutual fund lobby or maybe just a few long only-managers stuck in a rut and looking to push off blame. Well, with that out of the way, it’s now time to think about 2016. My prediction is a whole lot more of the same. The markets are extremely volatile, as they’re being attacked on multiple fronts – threats both political and economic all over the place. This is not good for business. I think that things are going to get worse before they get better. The wild ride isn’t over yet, so sit tight, buckle up and prepare for some continued craziness. It probably will get a lot worse before it gets better.

If you haven’t yet registered for Operations for Alternatives – what are you waiting for? The event takes place February 1 and 2 at the Fontainebleau in beautiful Miami. Click here to register. Once again, OFA will be the largest gathering operations professionals in the United States and is not to be missed.

I don’t have anything this week. Too focused on getting ready for Operations for Alternatives. Stay tuned: This is going to change.

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